How to set up individual lessons via group – Interested?

If, as a language school or a project offering individual lessons, you are first collecting interest and then creating dates and schedules, it is ideal to use a group – Interested (groups without dates).

The first question to ask yourself is how well you can tell when and how many dates you are offering a client. Individual lessons can be created with a schedule:

  • Full – you know exactly when the dates will take place and how much you want to be paid for them. In this case, use progress courses with payment in advance or according to your own payment template. See instructions.
  • Postupným – neviete presne kedy sa termíny uskutočnia a klient platí podľa počtu hodín. V takomto prípade použite otvorené kurzy a vytvorte hodiny priebežne s priebežnými platbami. Ak má klient predplatený kredit, môžete ho zaznamenať na registrácii.

Based on the above, start making an offer as follows:

  • Create groups as Interested in a given course

Interested parties will gradually register in the group and wait for instructions. Don’t forget to edit the email template that will come as a confirmation of inclusion in the group – Interested.


  • Create an individual group

Then create dates for individual registrations by creating a group of one capacity.


  • Move the client from the group – Interested to an individual group

Create lesson/event dates and move the given registration to this group from the group – Interested. In the registration details, click on the Group tab and then on the Move option where you select where.

  • Choose the client’s first date or let him choose it himself

In the client’s attendance section, sign the client in for the appointment or they can do so in their profile.


Summary for open lessons:

  1. Create a group for a client
  2. Insert the first term
  3. The client signs up for the appointment in the profile by selecting it or you select the appointment for the client in the registration details. In both cases, the debt for that hour is immediately created; if there is a credit, it is deducted from the credit.
  4. If the lesson is cancelled, the credit will be refunded. If the lesson is moved in time, the credit remains applied.

Note: If you do not want to display the group in the public calendar menu or registration form, just uncheck the group in the course properties and save the change. You leave the group – Interested up for registration and the other individual groups remain hidden.

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