Replacement lessons between branches/organisations

Lesson replacement between branches is a complex functionality. How it works is described in the instructions.

Celý proces nastavenia pozostáva z troch častí:

  1. Linking companies
  2. Setting the permission to use replacement lessons
  3. Setting the conditions for the use of replacement lessons

Linking companies

In order for clients to be able to replacement lessons at other branches, it is first necessary to link the individual branches directly in the application administration.

  • click the Settings tab and then clickReplacement lessons
  • click on the Pair Company button
  • enter the email of the branch you want to link – the branch email must be the same as the one under which the branch was registered in the application. Then click on the button Send an invitation
    A notification will be sent to this email requesting a link. Once the branch approves this request, they will be linked.

For an overview of the sent requests, their status and the possibility to cancel the request, please visit the Replacement lessons tab. If the request is approved, you will have the option to Cancel request, which will cause the functionality to be cancelled.

Replacement lessons setting

Once the branches are linked, you will have the option at the course level to allow the use of replacement lessons in those branches as well. This setting is performed in the same way as the standard setting.

  • In desired course, under Replacement lessons section click Edit
  • under Replacement lessons, tick the Allow replacement lessons from other companies box. Then click the Save button.
  • make setting in the Restrictions on the use of replacement lessons section.
  • NOTE: By setting the parameters for drawing replacment lesson, you influence the possibility of drawing in your organization, not the other way around. That is, you set the conditions under which clients from another branch will be able to choose a replacment lesson in your company

Replacement from the client’s perspective

In the profile, the client will see a combined view of all replacement lessons regardless of the branch. The client can see the entitlement to replacement lessons after signing in to their profile in the Unexpired replacement lessons tab.

To select a replacement lesson, the client must click on the course and then click on the Choose Replacement Lesson button for the opted-out term.

The replacement lessons will be displayed based on the course settings in the administration.

The selected replacement lessons will be displayed to the client at the end of the course, where they will also be notified that the appointment is operated by another branch.

The client will receive standard notification emails about the upcoming lesson date, regardless of which branch he/she chooses. Of course, the email will include the details and location according to the branch where you chose the hours.

Attendance from the administrator’s point of view – home branch

The view in the case of replacement lessons that the client chooses elsewhere than their home office is different than the view the administrator sees when the lesson is replaced at the home office.

In this case, you can see where the client has selected the hour, but you can’t see the location, time, or any other data. However, you also have the option to cancel the replacement lesson and book another one at your branch.

Restricting the selection of replacement lessons only in your branch is set in the application to protect the client’s personal data. This restriction prevents the data from being sent to a third party without his/her consent.

Attendance from an administrator’s point of view – another branch

When a replacement lesson is created in another branch, the client’s details will be displayed in the attendance register for that term. The following options are available to the administrator:

  • entering attendance – arrived/not arrived
  • cancellation of an replacement lesson – will cause the client’s data to be deleted from the attendance record and will no longer be on file

Attendance report

In the Calendar tab, you have a report that will contain data on how many replacement lessons your clients have used on courses from your branch and how many on courses from other branches. Part of the report will also include a price that will match the price for that replacement lesson. This serves as a basis for possible arrangements with other branches regarding refunds. This arrangement, however, takes place outside the application and is based on your mutual agreement.

  • in the calendar section, at the end of the filter, click on the Replacement lessons button

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