Výučbové centrum Helen Doron v Trnave

So spoločnosťou Zooza máme čas venovať sa náboru nových klientov


At the Helen Doron English Project we constantly meet the perfect people, professionals, enthusiasts in teaching children, bringing them self-confidence and developing their abilities.

One of them is Ivana Kubaská, who enthusiastically teaches children English using the Helen Doron method. With this method, babies from 3 months to 19 years old learn English as easily and naturally as their mother tongue.

Zooza immediately sat down with the project. Until Zooza arrived, the project was plagued with the problem of administrative overload, endless repetitive client queries that limited it from fully dedicating itself to growing the project, improving services and building relationships with clients.

„Although we only had 60 clients during the covid period, we felt the need to prepare for the post covid period and the Zooza app helped us to organise our clients and their attendance. Currently we have over 130, I believe, satisfied clients who have access to information about their course directly in the Zooza app, and for me it is amazing that they do not have to contact the centre manager or any tutor to choose their alternative lessons, they can choose the time that suits them exactly and come to the alternative lesson at any time from the comfort of their home,“ says Ivana Kubaská, from the Helen Doron English Trnava and Veľké Zálužie teaching centre.


Significantly relieved of administration

„The great thing about Zooza is that we can set a payment schedule for our clients according to their exact needs, and what’s really cool is that the payments received for each course are automatically matched in Zooza,“ continues Ivana Kubaská.„Thanks to this, the payment discipline has really improved a lot. In the Zooza app, the „tutors“ section is also great for me, here I can download the number of hours worked by each tutor each month and also the rate for individualtutoring hours can be selected there as well.“„Thanks to Zooza we have much less phone calls, much less paperwork which was really excessive so, I don’t need to go to sleep at 3 in the night anymore, we have time to focus on new things, on preparing new courses and we are already looking forward to accepting new clients in Trnava and Veľké Zálužie.“

We are happy to see when projects manage to grow thanks to Zooza. Administration can drain projects to the point where they can’t move, so it’s natural and desirable to focus on what gives a project passion and energy and delegate everything else to Zooza.

The Helen Doron Project is a wonderful project that brings children the joy of learning and demonstrable results and happy parents. We definitely recommend www.helendoron.sk. 

The project from Zooza mainly uses:

  • Registration form
  • Registration calendar
  • Continuous groups
  • Client database with filtering
  • Attendance with replacement lessons
  • Client profile with payment overview
  • One-off payments
  • Hourly payments for open hours
  • Email and SMS communication
  • Scheduling of venues and lecturers
  • Reporting


Ivana Kubaská

Výučbové centrum Helen Doron v Trnave

Povedali ste o nás

“ Vďaka Zooza máme oveľa menej telefonátov, oveľa menej papierovania, ktorého bolo naozaj veľa, takže už nemusím chodiť spať o tretej v noci. Máme čas sústrediť sa na nové veci, na prípravu nových kurzov a už sa tešíme na prijímanie nových klientov. „

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