When you finish old courses/groups, you have many clients who want to continue with you. That’s why you start thinking about how to create new courses and how to transfer your client database.
The app allows multiple ways you can do this for them or with minimal help from them.
Create a new group
It is not always necessary to create new courses. This procedure counts on the fact that the course with its setting remains and you just want to create a new group of people for a new duration of the course.
You can create a new group within the course and give it new properties or copy an existing group.
Advantages of copying the group:
- copy all group settings
- possibility of copying terms
- possibility of copying registrations
You can find the procedure how to copy groups, terms and registrations HERE.
When copying data, you always have the option of editing it. Whether it’s settings, terms or registrations.
If you will be copying registrations along with the group, be aware that this is a copy not a transfer. This means that no credits, replacement lessons or payments will be transferred to registrations. Registrations will have a new registration number (variable symbol) created with completely clean credit and payment details.
But at the same time, you don’t have to worry that the data will be lost or that the client will no longer have access to it.
The client can access the replacement lessons as well as the payment data via his/her profile, where he/she can see all the data from the original registrations and can subsequently work with them further (e.g. replace lessons).
When copying registrations, it is important to remember that you are not copying the client, but only the client’s registration with the client’s basic data. The system looks at clients through their registrations. This means that one client can have several registrations for different courses. Therefore, a new registration number is created for the client.
This copying procedure allows you and your clients to have order in your payments, terms and replacement lessons.
If you need to move a client to a group and want to keep the payment or credit details, you need to use the Move Client functionality, which can be found in the registration details. However, this transfer can only be done individually after registrations, not in bulk.
Of course, you always have the option of leaving the registration up to your clients, who will be notified that you have launched a new course and can register for it through your site.
Creating new terms
If you choose this approach, you will have less work to do in the administration of the application.
- you don’t need to create a new group
- no need to copy/move registrations
- less clarity in administration – long list with deadlines
- less visibility in payments of both you and the client – debts from the previous period are also displayed
In this procedure, you only create new terms within the original group. This will ensure that the original registrations are still valid and will just have new dates added to the course list. The terms of payment as well as the replacement lessons remain as they were before.
But what you and your clients may be missing is clarity in terms or payments. Clients as well as you will have a long list of appointments and a poorer track record of payments that will be cumulative within a single registration.
Also, don’t forget that if you have clients who will not continue the course for the term you need to manually discard their registrations by changing their registration status. This will ensure that the system does not send them notification emails and that space is freed up for other applicants.